Saturday, February 21, 2009

Swim Day - OMG!

WOD: Swim

3 X 200 (L1)
2 X 200 Descend 15”
3 X 150 Descend 15”
4 X 100 Descend 15”

Repeat 4 X 50 as:
1 X 25 (L5) 15”
1 X 25 (L2) 15”

By my calculations the totals were: 76 lengths (1900 yards or 1.07 miles). I started at 1600 and completed the workout at 1701. I decided to modify the last part of the WOD. I swam 25 yards (1 length) as hard as I could jumped out of the pool and did 25 squats. I then reentered the pool swam 25 yards as hard as I could and did another 25 squats. The pool was closing, so I felt the modification would quicken the WOD and get a little CrossFit action into it as well. Wow! I'm smoked. Oh... Never, ever swim this far in a chlorinated pool without goggles. I forgot mine today and now my eyes feel like I just got out of PRK surgery. Visine doesn't work. Ouch!

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