Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Snowshoe Ski Trip 2008

The kids and I just returned from Snowshoe. If you like to ski, Snowshoe is definitely the place to go on the East Coast. The resort beats the hell out of Wintergreen (VA), Massanutten (VA), or Gatlinburg (TN).
This morning, a snow storm blew in. We woke to wind and a heavy down pour of snow flakes. It was awesome but we almost got stranded. The roads closed for a couple hours and we were stuck in the cabin until 1PM. We were supposed to check out at 11AM. It was cool... I guess it happens from time to time.
I was quite amazed and very, very proud. My son picked up snowboarding quickly and my daughter conquered skiing. My son tried skiing after he figured out snowboarding but didn't like it. He stuck with snowboarding. Snowshoe has some killer hills, double and single black diamond, which my son and daughter conquered nicely. I thought my daughter was going to kill someone for a minute but she pulled through. They both did extremely well for their first time. I'm so proud of them!!!!!
Oh... I survived after not having skied in 17 plus years. I'm a little sore but CrossFit definitely helped me. I tried snowboarding and almost killed myself. Snowboarding is definitely for the young. After realizing I wasn't made to snowboard, I found myself between a rock and a hard place (i.e., the mountain). There was no way I was going to make it to the bottom of the hill, so I had to walk up half the mountain to return the snowboard and retrieve some skis. Let me tell you... When Survivor Man says you need to keep your clothing dry in the Arctic, listen! I was drenched in sweat when I got to the top and I about froze later when I returned to the slopes. Needless to say, I stopped at one of the reststops and dried myself off before continuing. Great cardio and leg workout though. ;-)
All-in-all... an outstanding trip!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Evil "Eva"

WOD: For time, complete five rounds of:

Run 800 meters
30 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
30 Pull-ups

OMg! (aka: Oh My Goodness...) that WOD rocked my endurance factor. I completed the WOD in 1:07:54. Yes, I said, "One hour, seven minutes, and fifty-four seconds."

For the record, I substituted a 70# dumbbell for a 2 pood kettlebell. I did jumping pull-ups for kippers on the last two rounds of 30 pull-ups. I also used a treadmill instead of the track. I started off at a 7.1 speed (about 8:27 min. mile) and ended with a 6.6 (about a 9:05 min. mile).

Right now, I'm recovering nicely at home. My hands hurt and my right wrist is a little sore but I'll survive.

I'm taking the next ten days off. I know... that's quite a bit of time but my kids are going to be here. Plus, we're going skiing, so I suspect I'll be getting some good leg workouts those days.

To all my friends, family, and others: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! If you don't believe in Christmas, I wish you all the best in your faith and joy in your life. God bless you and yours...

Sunday, December 21, 2008


WOD: In 20 minutes complete as many of:

5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

I completed 12 rounds. I completed 10 rounds on 22 Nov 08, so I guess I got a new PR. My goal is 15 round next time.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Filthy Fifties

Today's WOD:

For time, complete:

50 Box jumps, 24" box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
50 Walking lunge steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45#
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20# ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

I completed the WOD in 55:37; however, I had to maneuver around some people in the gym and I stopped to talk with a person for a minute or two, so not to be rude. Therefore, I'm giving myself a 5 min break for 50:37. That's still slow as all get out, so I've definitely got to beat that time the next time the WOD comes around.

I also substituted a 35# dumbbell for the 1 pood kettlebell. I know 1 pood equals about 36.11 pounds, but they don't make dumbbells that weight. I got a chance to use my new wall ball - yay! It rocks. I actually liked doing the 50 wall ball shots today. Usually, that kicks my ass but I can tell my leg strength has gotten a lot better. Plus, my flexibility in my squats.

They don't have a true GHD machine at any gym on post. They've got some kind of machine that's angled, so your feet are below your hips. I'm sure the original GHD machine makes back extensions and GHD sit ups harder to do than this machine, but that's all I got. I priced a GHD machine at about $210.00. I'm not ready to make that investment. Plus, it would be awkward carrying the darn thing into the gym with me, I think.

When I win the lottery, I'm building my own CrossFit garage/gym and I'll let some certified instructor use the gym for his or her own business, just as long as he or she allows me to do my "stuff". Of course, I'd prefer a female instructor but I am an equal opportunity kind of guy. LOL

Friday, December 19, 2008

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Intro to L-Pull Ups. Yeah, Baby!

WOD: As many rounds in 20 minutes of:

Run 400 meters
15 L-Pull ups
15 Hip Extensions

I completed four rounds using a tread mill. I started at a 9.5 setting (6:39 min mile) for the first two rounds. I had to decrease the speed a little to 9.0 (6:58?) on the third, and then 8.5 (7:39?) on the fourth. That WOD was a good, hard cardio burn. Of course, I scaled down the L-Pull ups. I did 7 instead of 15. I just couldn't lift my fat ass tonight. I know... pitiful. Oh, well - bite me. LOL

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tabata Squats & Push ups

I'm at Fort Hood for a couple days. Boy, this is a large installation. Pretty cool... I did Tabata squats and push ups, after completing my CFWU.

Tabata Squats: 15, 15, 14, 12, 12, 11, 10, 10 = 99

Tabata Push ups: 12, 12, 12, 9, 6, 5, 5, 5 = 66

I got a real good, quick cardio and muscle burn from doing one right after the other.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Deadlifts & Burpees

WOD: For time, five rounds of: 275# deadlifts, 5 reps, and 10 burpees.

I completed in 11:52. I think this WOD is my favorite. The weight felt easy. I think I'm going to hit a new deadlift PR on the next CFT. My burpees are looking better too. I just need to go faster.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Nasty Girls

WOD: For time, three rounds of: 50 Squats, 7 MUs, 135lbs HPCs, 10 reps

I'm still building up to my New Years resolution to do MUs instead of PUs and ring dips. Therefore, I subbed 4/1 pull ups and ring dips for MUs. I also used 135lbs as RX'd for the HPCs. Man, they were a little tough after 28 pull ups and 28 ring dips. Completed the WOD in 38:04.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Double Unders & Sit Ups

Another beautiful memory of Monterey... When it's cold and dreary outside, I often think of Monterey and those special times.

WOD: For time - 50, 40, 30, 20, and 10 rep rounds of: double unders and sit ups.

My first time: 15:33. Obviously, I need to work on my cardio-respiratory endurance - huh?

Monday, December 8, 2008

Clean & Jerk Day

Boy, I miss Monterey....
WOD - CJ: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

135, 145, 155, 165, 175(f), 175, and 175(f)

For the most part, I kept good form throughout the WOD. However, I just noticed I didn't get a new PR today. On 12 Sep 08, I noted a 185 PR. I know my form sucked back then, so I guess it's kind of a good effort anyway.

For the last few days, I've felt a little unusual. I'm not sure what's up. Today, my joints and muscles ached. I hope it's not menopause. Ha! Ha! If I start getting hot flashes, I'm going to the doctors. LOL

I'm sure it's just a moment of weakness, which will pass.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

First Snow of the Year

We got our first snow of the year last night. Well... a dusting but snow none the less. Yay!

Today's WOD: As many rounds in 20 minutes:

15 PUs
15 Ring PSUs
15 BEs
15 GHD SUs

I got four rounds complete in 20 minutes. I got to use my rings set for the first time today. It was quite easy to put up and use. I'll be using it more often and doing more ring dips instead of regular dips. It's time to step it up!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Squat & Muscle Ups

Todays' WOD:

100 Squats
2 MUs
80 Squats
4 MUs
60 Squats
6 MUs
40 Squats
8 MUs
20 Squats
10 MUs

Ok... I'm still a wimp and haven't attempted MUs, but I'm getting motivated and stronger. I just need to keep working on my upper body strength and MY WEIGHT!!!! I think a John @ 190lbs would be better than a John @ 235lbs. :-)

I did the WOD today as RX'd, however, I replaced the MUs with 4 PUs and 4 Dips for each MU. Therefore, I did 8, 16, 24, 32, and then 40 PUs and Dips. I did jumpers on the 40s for PUs instead of kippers because I was plum worn out. I did negatives for the 40 Dips instead of full dips. Again, I was plum worn out. This week was rough, so give a brother a break!

Oh... I completed the WOD in 46:25. I know, slow.

Good news!!!! I did find a possible XFit partner though. A new Soldiers asked to do XFit with me and we finally worked out together today. He scaled the WOD today, as he should, but he's pretty darn strong and didn't have much of a problem. I'm sure once he gets used to XFit, he'll do just fine. He's younger than me, so if he starts throwing scores which blow mine away, that's my excuse. Ha! Ha!

Other news!!!!! I ordered personalized Virginia license plates today. I don't know why, I've never done it before. I guess I'm still working through my crisis, and I want to express my enthusiasm about CrossFit (aka: XFIT). Anyway, my plates are: LUV-XFIT. What's up?!? Isn't that cool? Whatever! I love'em, even though you don't. I'll send a picture when I get them and put them on my tuck. Later...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Rhabdomyolysis & Zocor or Simvastatin

I bring this up because we used to joke about it after that Sailor tried to sue the CrossFit gym in Manassas, VA. I hope his suit failed, as we live, work, exercise and play at our own risk. God has control of us, and He decides when and where we'll go down, not us. Anyway, I'm going to continue to joke about it because I plan to live life to the fullest, as long as I'm able.

You know... getting old does suck though. I went to the doctor yesterday. My cholesterol was good, but not as low as the doc wanted. Therefore, he upped my dose of Zocor. So... tonight I was reading through the medical warning papers and noticed the word "Rhabdomyolysis", and I noted the drug could cause this ailment. It's rare, but a chance. What in the world?!?! Can a brother get a break?!?

Hey! A friendly warning to you healthy old farts: If you're watching your cholesterol and using Zocor or something similar, you need to drink lots and lots and lots and lots of water throughout the day, and you need to keep an eye on yourself for any of the signs and symptoms: muscle pain, tenderness or weakness (especially with a fever or unusual tiredness), or change in the amount of urine output.

I know, I know... CrossFit causes muscle pain, tenderness and weakness - just stay alert - stay alive!

Here's some more info for you, just in case you're wondering. According to (2008), Rhabdomyolysis is:

"a condition in which skeletal muscle cells break down, releasing myoglobin (the oxygen-carrying pigment in muscle) together with enzymes and electrolytes from inside the muscle cells. The risks with rhabdomyolysis include muscle breakdown and kidney failure since myoglobin is toxic to the kidneys. Rhabdomyolysis can occur from extensive muscle damage as, for example, from a crushing injury or an electrical shock. Drugs or toxins, particularly some of the cholesterol lowering medications such as cerivastatin (Baycol), may cause this disorder. Underlying diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus can also lead to rhabdomyolysis. It is a common complication of major burns. The key signs and symptoms of rhabdomyolysis include dark, red, or cola colored urine and muscle tenderness, stiffness, aching (myalgia) or weakness. Laboratory confirmation can come from the demonstration of myoglobin in the blood or urine. Ideal treatment involves early and aggressive hydration with very large amounts of IV fluids to flush the myoglobin out of the kidneys. Diuretics may help. So may bicarbonate which makes the urine alkaline to prevent the breakdown of myoglobin into more toxic compounds. From the Greek roots rhabdo-, striped (striated) + -myo-, muscle + -lysis, breakdown = the breakdown of striated muscle (skeletal muscle)."

Dumbbell WOD

WOD: For time, five rounds of:

50lbs dumbbell walking lunges, 10 steps.
50lbs dumbbell swings, 15 reps.

Time: 07:25

Between yesterday's overdoing it and today's lunges, my legs AND KNEES are shot. I hope we DO NOT do some kind of running WOD tomorrow; but with my luck, I'm sure we will.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Fran X 3 - What was I thinking??????

Today, I lost my mind and completed three Frans in a row, by accident of course. You know, the bad part was I actually looked at earlier today and thought those guys who posted times like 3:06 were Supermen or something. I guess I was thinking about work or something, not CrossFit. My times surely support that theory.

On 15 Sep 08, I completed Fran in 11:05. I completed my first Fran in 14:00 today. Terrible but I'd like to think I was pacing myself for the other two Frans. As I continued through the WODs, I began to realize I'd probably made a mistake. Boy, what a knucklehead!

Oh... I completed all three Frans in 59:07. To say the least, I was plum worn out and I was in a little pain. Ben Gay - here I come!

Well, at least my Gymboss timer arrived today. Maybe, I should buy some Ginkgoba too.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Happiness is...

A big, beautiful wallball!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy I could cry. LOL

Monday, December 1, 2008

Should Press

WOD - Should Presses: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Max: 175 (13 Aug 08)

SP: 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 185 (PR), 190(F)

Afterward, I did some Push Jerks.

Max: 210 (18 Nov 08)

PJ: 165, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210(F), 210(F).

I guess the should presses fatigued me some. Gee, I hope that was the problem. :-)

After that, I did some Push Presses; however, I did a modified Tabata Something using 95lbs. I did seven sets, 20 second work/rest intervals: 7-6-5-6-5-5-5.

My upper chest and shoulders burned a little. Yeah, baby!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Tabata Something Else

First WOD after a long break. Pretty weak performance. I used the gym at my apartment complex today. The pull up bars were awkward and weren't conducive to kipping pull ups. They rocked too much. I did find a rowing machine though. The row computer wasn't working, so I must get management on the ball. Between my apartment gym, the post gym and whatever equipment I acquire, I might just be able to complete every kind of WOD. I still need to figure out how to hang my dip rings at the post gym. We'll see...

Pull ups: 05, 06, 06, 06, 05, 05, 05, 04
Push ups: 19, 16, 10, 10, 07, 07, 08, 06
Sit ups: 12, 13, 12, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11
Squats: 12, 12, 12, 11, 11, 11, 10, 11

Total: 307

I used a twenty second timer, so I got an extra 10 second rest between sets.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Authorized Leave of Absence

For the last week or so, I was on temporary duty in various locations in Iowa, and then at mom's for Thanksgiving. I was quite busy in Iowa, so I didn't get a chance to workout. At mom's, well, I was just lazy and ate and ate and ate. Now, I'm worried about tomorrow's WOD (Tabata Something Else) because I've gained probably 20 pounds and I doubt I'll be able to do a single pull-up. Ha! Ha!

Special thanks to the Chief and officers of the Iowa City Police for some great hospitality and professional courtesy. Be safe out there!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Don't Know What You Call It, But It Hurt

WOD: For time: Three rounds of:

21 knees to elbows
21 1 1/2 pood Kettlebell swings (I substituted 55lbs dumbbell swings)
21 push-ups
21 3 rope climbs (I substituted 21 100lbs close hand pull-downs)
21 20" box jumps
21 back extensions
150 feet of walking lunges (I substituted 50 walking lunges each time for 150 feet)

I finished the WOD @ 42:33.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Clean & Jerk, plus "Cindy"

Today, I completed two WODs. I stretched and warmed up with 95lb clean and jerks. I also decided to really work on my form instead of weight. This was the first time I actually went in to a full squat to catch the weight as RX'd. I've always cheated and not dropped, as I should. After warming up, it actually felt pretty good. The weight isn't the problem I think. It's all mental. My core is strong enough to do more weight, I think. :-) It's getting my form and mind right to perform the lift correctly.

Clean & Jerk: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
135x2, 145, 155, 165, 175(f), 165, 170 (PR)
Cindy: 20 minutes of 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 squats
I completed 10 rounds.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Savage Man

My good friend, Mike (picture - left side), asked me to team up with him and compete in the 2009 SavageMan, . What do you think? Is he craz y? Am I crazy enough to begin to train and compete with him? I'm getting a little interested. I've tentatively agreed; however, things can always change with old people. When we begin to train, I'll get excited and start talking more shit. Matt, Jason - you game? If I must stop drinking beer, that could be a problem. :-) We'll see.....
Oh! Matt, a potential competitor, is on my right (above). His partner would be Jason (not pictured). We'll see how it all works out.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


<--- Bella. Isn't she cute?!?!

WOD: As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes - 400m run and max pull ups.

I completed five rounds. I used a treadmill @ 7:03 min. miles. I did 15 pull ups - rounds 1 through 4. I did 10 pull ups on round 5. Afterward, I did three sets of 10 burpees and 10 push ups. I tore open my right palm again. What a Panzie!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Push Jerks

WOD: Push Jerks 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

135, 155, 175, 195, 205, 215(f), and 210 (PR)

I had some extra energy, so I completed three rounds of 35 sit ups, 25 squats, 15 push ups, and 10 pull ups as fast I could.

Monday, November 17, 2008


WOD: 3 X 400m run, 55lbs dumbbell swings, 21 reps, and 12 pull-ups.

I'm quite pleased with myself today. On 22 Aug 08, I completed the WOD in 18:02. Today, I completed the WOD in 13:05!!!!!!!!! I think CrossFit works, huh!?! :-)

I had to use a treadmill instead of the track. I set the speed at 8.5 (7:03 min mile) each time.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

New Kind of Pain

<--- I believe this picture was taken when I was home on mid-tour leave, 2004. I miss my kids. :-(

WOD: BS x 5 x 5

My old PR on 9/30/2008 was 205, 225, 240, 245, and 250.

Today, I did 225, 235, 245, and 255 twice then failed. I began experiencing a sharp pain in my left lower abdomen region, right in front of my hip. I don't know if it was a pinched nerve or something worse. I began to feel the pain when I began doing the 245 sets. On the fifth set, I was a little concerned. I pushed on the area, but didn't feel any pain in response. I did a couple of sit ups, but didn't feel any pain. So, I attempted 255. I felt a sharper pain the first rep; and on the second rep, I thought I might tear something so I stopped.

I don't know what's wrong? Too much weight? Wrong form? A freak pain, which I won't experience again? Hmmm.... I guess I need to do some research and try to figure it out? Anyone have an idea?

Friday, November 14, 2008


WOD: 5 x 95lbs Hang Power Snatch, 15 reps, and 400 meter run.

I completed the WOD in 24:35. I used the treadmill so it probably slowed my time some. I used the 8 speed (7:30 min mile) for the first four rounds. I used the 9.3 speed (6:31 min mile) for the last round. HPS weren't too bad. Overall, I liked the WOD because of the good cardio burn. I needed that to get back in business...


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Back on Track

<---- Amber - a future movie star! She finally got to dye her hair black, which took several months of negotiations with her mother. I'm so proud of her.

I returned Tuesday from a week's leave. I got to visit with my kids and really enjoyed the short time we had together. I cooked them breakfast several mornings and dinner a couple nights. It is something I enjoy. The rest of the time we ate out, shopped, watched movies (home and theater), and just hung out.

Something really cool happened while I was there... I watched my daughter become a licensed driver. Ok. She actually got her learner's permit, the pride I felt once she passed the test was overwhelming. As we exited the DMV, I handed her the keys and she began the journey. To say the least, I was terrified but calm at the same time. I had mixed feelings about the event. I was extremely happy for my daughter, while saddened to know she's almost gone. In six short months when she obtains her actual license, she will be able to go places where I'm not. I feel I cannot protect her as well as before. I know it's life but something hard to swallow.

I actually got my butt back in the gym today - thank goodness! I thought for a moment I might let another week slip by, but I got myself motivated and focused. It's been about two weeks since I last completed a WOD. I think I've gained 10 pounds - crap! With some effort, I completed a modified version of the WOD today in 48:45.

Actual WOD: For time - 100 squats, 5 muscle-ups; 75 squats, 10 muscle-ups; 50 squats, 15 muscle-ups; 25 squats, 20 muscle-ups.

Modified WOD: 100 squats, 5 pull-ups, 7 dips; 75 squats, 5 x 5 pull-ups and 7 dips; 50 squats, 7 x 5 pull-ups and 7 dips; and 25 squats, 5 x 5 pull-ups, 7 dips.

I know I should have done more pull-ups and dips to equal the required amount of muscle-ups, but I just wasn't feeling it today. Next time!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Today, I wimped out and didn't try the snatch WOD. Instead, I went home and took a nap. I was beat for some reason. I think it's because I ran a couple miles last night with an old friend, plus I did complete the Army's Physical Fitness Test this morning. I would like to report that CrossFit is helping in my effort to max the test. I know I've got lots of work to do on my running ability; however, my push-ups increased as well as my sit-ups. In fact, my sit-ups were rock'n! I completed 62 push-up but I'm pretty sure I'll max them next time. I've only got 11 more to do (i.e., 73). On the other hand, I did 80 sit-ups and I was still going. My core is definitely a lot stronger now, after doing CrossFit. I was flabbergasted, but highly proud of myself to say the least. I did the run in 16:38, which gave me an overall score of 263 out of a possible 300. I must run the 2-mile in 13:36, which to me is some craziness. I'm not even sure people over 40 can run that fast - LOL!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Whooped My Butt

Wow! That WOD was rough. I completed it in 35:52. I tore my hands up a little, but the tape I used cut down on the damage. My biceps are burning like crazy. I was going to take six Motrin; however, a six pack of Miller Lite sounded a lot better. I know... Now, I'll have to run or swim tomorrow in addition to the WOD to burn off all the calories. Life is tough sometimes. LOL I'm sure I won't be able to bend my arms very well tomorrow. O' well... No pain, no gain.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Today, I completed yesterday's WOD, since I didn't have a way to weight myself. I completed the WOD in 49:49. I thought I might pass out for a moment as I began the fourth set, but I hung tough and got through it. Wow, that was a little tougher than I expected. :-)

Five times for time:

135lbs DL, 15 reps
135lbs HPC, 12 reps
135lbs FS, 9 reps
135lbs PJ, 6 reps

The DL's and PJ's were the easiest of the routine. I began using the crossed-arm method to complete my FS's. I found it easier to balance and my wrists didn't feel like they were going to break in half. HPC's weren't too bad. Doing it all together, that made it rough.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

First Day on the Job

Today, I began my tour of duty with the internal affairs division of my organization. No one I knew emailed me today. I hope that's not any indication of things to come. LOL My new co-workers have made me feel right at home. I'm all settled and all my equipment seems to be in working order. Now, I just need to relax and let life take it's course.

WOD: Nate: I completed 9 rounds, however, I did four kipping pull-ups instead of two muscle-ups. The rest of the routine I did as RX'd, except I used a 75lbs dumbbell because I didn't have access to a 2 pood Kettlebell. I became quite winded after the fifth or sixth round. I need to work on my shoulder strength, so I can lower myself more than I did today.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Getting Back Into It

My week hiatus ended today and I completed the WOD with a new PR. Back Squats, five reps x five sets: 205, 225, 240, 245, and 250. I felt good and probably pushed myself to use too much weight. My form was a little off the last few reps. I leaned forward a little and used my back muscles - not good, I know. Hopefully, we'll keep doing leg exercises, especially air squats, etc., so I can continue to increase my leg strength. I definitely needed a week's break, but now I'm ready to get with it!

I miss my friends at CrossFit Clarksville. Right now, I'm on my own until I figure out how my budget looks here. The CrossFit gyms in the area are $147.00 and up per month. I checked the gym on post. They don't have ropes, boxes, wall balls and rings, but they don't mind people bringing in their own equipment. The clerks said a couple people loop their own ropes and rings over the rafters and go for it. I might use two months worth of membership fees and just purchase a wall ball and some ring dips. I found a 20lbs wall ball on line for $69.00. I'm going to look locally but I don't thank that's too bad of a price. I can make my own box or find something cheap and suitable. I think that might be more cost effective in the long run. I just need to find a partner or three so we can time each other and compete.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Yesterday, I found a new home. As you know, or not, I have been living out of a suitcase since January 5, 2008. Boy, I'm ready to settle down and start living.

Ok. I saw the CrossFit Alexandria gym on Monday when I was checking out an apartment complex next to the gym. That was real tempting; however, the complex was too far from post and didn't have much to offer, considering the cost. My place is incredible. It's minutes from post and right next to a Metro station. Therefore, I can jump on the Metro and go anywhere in the city (DC, Alexandria, etc.) without the worries of driving. Plus, the CrossFit Lorton gym is kind of in between work and home. I'm paying a little more than I wanted; however, I'm more satisfied with what the apartment offers.

That said, I'm not sure what my budget will allow me to do. Well, I won't know until a few months pass. So.... I was thinking. Would Rick and Dymphna allow me to become a forward element of CrossFit Clarksville? Maybe CrossFit Clarksville (FWD), like I'm just deployed? :-)

I'm thinking I'll email them today or tomorrow to see if that's a possibility. I still need to check out the gyms on post, but I'm almost positive the gym have medicine balls, etc.

Well, I'm off for another day of in-processing. I move into my place on Thursday. Wish me luck!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Back in VA - Yeah baby!

On Virginia soil... it's a great feeling. I made the trip in 11 hours, which ain't too bad. I stopped three times - twice for gas and once for dinner. I had a little scare starting off. I didn't fill up the night before, and thought I'd get gas in Nashville. Well, Nashville was out of gas. There I was with my low gas indicator illuminated and each gas station I passed was closed or out of service. What in the world?!? Luckily, I made it to a gas station about 12 miles east of Nashville and got gas in time. I thought the world was ending or something for a second there. LOL
Right now, I'm enjoying a few beers and some quiet time. Tomorrow, I start looking for a new place to live and check out the CrossFit situation on and off post. The CrossFit gym must be strategically located between work and home in order to make things work. The traffic around here sucks, and I don't have time to waste.
Wish me luck!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Nashville Ride

Today, Shem, Heather, and I rode the hogs to Nashville. Running 70 plus down the highway is great and all, but I prefer the back roads, slow and easy. Too many crazy drivers thinking they're on the autobahn or something. LOL We ate lunch at the Opry Mills Mall and got a massage. I know.... but Heather made me do it. Anyway, the day was great!

WOD: Fran - For time, 21, 15, 9 of thrusters (95lbs) and pull-ups. Jake finished in 10:30 and I completed the exercise in 11:05. Jake used 75lbs this time. He'll be doing 95lbs in no time.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

"Hail to the Chief"

Today, Jake and I completed "The Chief". We did three to four reps of 3 PC's, 6 PU's, and 9 AS's during each three-minute set. The entire WOD took 19 minutes. Five cycles of three-minute sets (15 minutes), plus four one-minute rests between sets equals 19 minutes. I enjoyed the WOD, especially when it was over. LOL I could really feel it in my thigh muscles and the cardio kicked in at the end of the second three-minute set.

No bike riding today because the weather sucks. Plus, I'm supposed to take my son out to the second day of his soccer tournament in White House, TN. Yesterday, his team won their first match but lost the second and third. They looked tired.

I'm kind of hoping they cancel today's matches because I need to work on my college term paper, which is due tomorrow night. Boy, I wish I hadn't taken a class while I'm preparing to leave Clarksville. O' well... live and learn.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Clean & Jerk Day

Today, I survived my second motorcycle ride. We drove to the Bowling Green Harley Davidson shop. We did a little time on the highway, but mostly kept to the back roads. The scenery was very beautiful; the day - clear and sunny. Awesome! Round trip was about 120 miles.

I'm thinking a Soft Tail or Fat Boy right now, but I'm not 100% sure. Shem is letting me use his 11 year old Soft Tail, which rides like a dream. Sounds pretty good (loud) too. :-)
Of course, I had to represent CrossFit Clarksville while riding. Plus, the white shirt was bright!

WOD: Clean & Jerk 3 reps X 5 sets: 135, 155, 175, 175, and 185. I also completed a 1K row. Not much, but broke a good sweat.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Last Week in Clarksville

I feel like crap right now because I've missed doing CrossFit for two days. I hope to get to the gym tomorrow afternoon. Right now, I don't see anything that might get in the way.

Today, I went on my first motorcycle ride with my buddy, Shem. It was a total blast, and now I'm addicted to something else. I'm definitely getting a bike once I get to Richmond!

I think we passed Rick and Dymphna in their green jeep on Wilma Rudolph Boulevard about 1300, today, while riding.
In remembrance of 9/11/01: God bless those lost, their survivors, and the Soldiers who carry on the fight against terrorism and evil everywhere.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Fight Gone Bad

Today, Jake and I tackled FGB. After going over the routine, Jake offered to go first. What a pal! I think he realized I needed a little more time to wake up. He got me to the gym about 8AM on a Sunday. What in the world?!?! Jake scored a 215. I scored 232 (PR), which is a lot better than my last pitiful score of 196. I know, Bill. I just need to suck it up and "rest later". LOL

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Motorcycle and Deadlift Day

Today, I began the basic motorcycle course on post. The instructors are outstanding and I learned quite a bit. I think I've found another outdoor activity I'm going to enjoy. Tomorrow, we ride all day and then test out. Hopefully, I'll have my license that evening. Now, I just need to get a bike to increase and/or keep my skills sharp.

The WOD: DeadliftsX3X5 - 315, 335, 355, 375, and 385. The last set of three were hard and slow. Hopefully, this means I've increased strength and my next CFT will be more than 425.

This is a short note tonight. It's 2100 and I still need to read my motorcycle book and study for the test. Why so late? I sat in the rain all evening watching my daughter's soccer team kick the snot out of another high school's team. This is my daughter's first year playing for a high school team. She's a sophomore. She starts each game; therefore, she rocks! Can I get a Hooah!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Back Squat Day

This morning about 0630AM (Yes, I said AM), Jake and I did BS X 3 X 5. Our weights were: 185, 195, 205, 215, and 225. Jake needed a little assistance on the last set and I had some trouble with my form. However, Jake has better flexibility and form than I. He's also younger - Grrrr. I guess I need a yoga class or something to get back my "bend". LOL. Rick gave us some great pointers and exercises to do. I'll keep at it. I'm sure Jake will too.

Jake and I went to the track after BS's and did interval training for four laps (1 mile). We sprinted or jogged fast (LOL) for half a lap and then jogged the rest of the way to complete the lap. After that, we did some leg lifts, flutter kicks and kick-outs.

Jason from Huntsville completed his second CrossFit WOD at lunch today. He's sore as hell from the Wall ball routine he did yesterday but he's liking the Kool Aide he's drinking so far.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

No Title Today - Ooops

Push Jerks X 3: 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, and 185. I muscled the weight on the last couple of sets instead of exploding through with my hips. I need to work on my form and core strength some more.

I'm looking forward to the Back Squats tomorrow. OK - maybe not but I'm going to do them anyway. Jake wants to go to the gym @ 0630AM. What's is that about?!?! :-()

Welcome home, Rick! It was great to finally meet you.

What's Cool About CrossFit

You know what's cool about CrossFit?

- The comradery.
- Increased energy levels all day, every day.
- Losing that beer belly and being able to bend over without discomfort.
- Finding muscles you didn't know you had.
- Buying your first pair of wrestling shoes in 22 years.
- Wanting to do things you haven't done in many, many years.
- Acne at age 41.
- Having a good friend call you at 06:50 AM, excited about completing his first WOD!

Yesterday, I did "Jackie" in 9:49. I kind of like rowing. Weird, huh?!?

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Unauthorized Rest Day (aka: Hangover)

<--- Trying to catch up on my sleep while Amber rides her horse. Yesterday (29 Aug 08), Jake Huber and I danced with the "Nasty Girls". The girls (aka: the WOD) were: For time, 50 air squats, 7 muscle ups, 10 hanging power cleans (135lbs) x 3 iterations. Of course, we did the alternate exercises for the muscle ups, which were 21 kipping pull ups and 21 ring dips. Jake and I are unable (never say can't) to do muscle ups yet. So, we did 50 squats, 21 pull ups, 21 dips, and 10 HPCs x 3 iterations. O' Yeah - we used 95lbs instead of 135lbs. We were a little unsure whether we'd make three iterations using 135lbs. Next time... Now, my dips are getting better. I can actually do ring dips. However, I had to switch to negative ring dips (jump up and slowly lower yourself down) for the second and third iterations. I was smoked. Jake switched to the stationary dip bars halfway through the first round. I think "the girls" kicked his butt too. Jake completed the WOD in 29:00. I finished in 29:04.

Today, I took the day off because I went to a party last night and consumed to much beer and pork. My boss smokes his own pulled pork, ribs, etc. He's from St. Louis, which he claims is the BBQ capitol of the world. I always thought the South had the best pork. I guess not because his BBQ is the "bomb"! Anyway, I'm taking the entire day to hydrate and prepare for tomorrow's WOD. Plus, I've got my kids this weekend. Hopefully, I can convince Jesse to do the WOD with me tomorrow.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Day of Scuba/Rest

<--- Paddlefish (aka: Spoonbill, Spoony, Spoonbill Catfish)
Well, I made it back with all my fingers and toes. We only experienced one fish attack today. While Jake practiced his mask clearing skill in about 20 feet of water, a little sunfish darted out of nowhere and nibbled at his ear. He immediately swatted at his ear like he was shooing a fly; at the same time he was trying to replace his mask and clear it. I almost spit my regulator out as I attempted not to laugh and choke. It was the funniest thing I've seen under water!

We saw lots of sunken treasures along the bottom. Swam through the fuselage of the U.S. Marshal's plane, a school bus, ambulance and sat on a motorcycle. We played with schools of pan fish, largemouth bass (two to six pounders) and a couple of huge catfish. The Paddlefish tried to avoid us. For a second, I thought I saw one of the catfish eyeballing us for dinner. :-)

My briefing took longer than I expected, so we arrived to the quarry after lunch. We only got to do two dives. Of course, we had to cook some beef on Jake's new hibachi grill between dives which took up some of our time. During the first dive, we stayed down for 41 minutes. The second dive about 58 minutes. Even though the quarry is at least 120 feet deep, we only descended to 40 feet. The first thermocline was about 20 feet and dropped from 80 degrees to about 65-70 degrees. The second thermocline was about 40 feet and dropped to 50 degrees or colder. Since we didn't want to wear hoods or gloves, we decided to keep in the warmer water. Anything below 50 degrees ain't to pleasant on the unprotected skin for any period of time. Besides, most of the fish were swimming above 40 feet.
All in all, it was a good day of rest!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Another Class Bites the Dust

<--- My old Iraqi gym before I knew about CrossFit.
Yea haw! I just submitted the last assignment for another college course, which ends today. Three credits closer to my degree - thank goodness! I didn't think this class would ever end. The subject was ok. I just didn't get much from the professor. If I calculated correctly, I think I pulled another "A". Hey, when you only take one class at a time an "A" isn't that hard. Tomorrow, my next class starts - Hooah! (artificial enthusiasm). :-)

Of course, I talked up CrossFit online to my new class already today. Just like my last class, I provided everyone with the web site. I know... I'm a freak.

Tomorrow, my friend Jake and I are diving @ Mermet Springs, IL. That's if, I can convince my boss to let me skip work. Shhhhh - don't tell anyone. I dived the quarry last year, so I know what's, what for the most part. Quarry diving isn't as exciting as open ocean water, but it keeps the skills in check. They sunk the plane from the movie "U.S. Marshals" in the quarry and they've stocked it with large albino catfish and four to six foot Paddlefish. So if I don't return on Friday for the WOD, I was eaten by a fish or drown. You know... I should be a little worried right about now. SOMEONE! at the gym today was nice enough to point out that one of my tattoos was consider by some to be bad luck. Hmmmm... I'm glad I'm not superstitious.

Today's WOD: 30 handstand push-ups, 40 pull-ups, 50 Kettlebell swings @ 1.5 pood, 60 sit-ups, and 70 burpees. I pulled a time of 36:47. I need to work on my handstand push-ups. Either, I lose some weight or grow muscle. I hate diets, so I guess the latter. Release the "T"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope everyone I know is safe, sound and healthy!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Realizations, Acts of Kindness and Patriotism

Today, I realized just how soon I'm actually leaving Clarksville. While at work, I noticed my out-processing briefing was scheduled for tomorrow morning. This signifies the beginning of my departure and an end to a pretty damn good/tough tour of duty. Like always, I'm going to miss the friends and contacts I've established. I'll also miss the uniqueness and comradery of the 101st and the Fort Campbell area.

For example, when I returned home last night I found the AC not working and the inside temperature about 90 degrees. After several calls, the owner of the home where I'm staying found someone on the block who specialized in AC repair. While I was at work, this person pulled the AC unit apart, removed the broken fan motor, went down town and got a new motor under warranty, returned and installed the motor, then left without wanting any compensation. He said he was happy to help out a neighbor but mainly helped to thank us (i.e., Soldiers') for our service to the country. That kind of "stuff" just chokes me up, fills me with pride, and makes me say, "God bless Amercia!" He doesn't know it but he and his wife are getting a voucher for dinner for two as a sign of my appreciation. O' the temperature is now a comfortable 75 degrees - thank goodness!

Today's WOD results: FS: 10 reps x 5 times @ 135, 145, 150, 155, 160. I know I can do more. I need to work on my form and how I hold the bar. Right now, my flexibility stinks and my wrists hurt as they balance the bar across my chest. It was hard to concentrate. I think it's going to be like anything I do in CrossFit. I just need to keep doing it until my body adapts or I figure out what I'm doing wrong. When I started doing CrossFit, my lower back hurt a lot. However with time, the pain has subsided and I'm feeling more sure of myself when doing squats, etc.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Hurts v. Injuries

Mondays usually suck, but today wasn't bad. I woke up feeling good. I felt great all day. And tonight, I'm feeling even better after completing the hardest CrossFit workout I've done so far. Murph ain't no joke! For time: One mile run, 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 air squats, and another one mile run. You know... I had a friend once who had a sister named Murph. She was a lot nicer than CrossFit's Murph. LOL!
Of course, I partitioned the pull ups, push ups, and air squats. As my very smart CrossFit instructor suggested, I did 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, and 15 air squats twenty times. After the one mile run and 10 or 11 sets, I began to get nauseous and fatigued. After 15, the nausea subsided but some pain in my arms began to set in. I wished someone had videotaped me during the last one mile run. I think the neighbors along the route thought I was death warmed over. LOL! My arms were swinging faster than my legs and feet were moving - really funny thinking about it. I was definitely trying that "falling forward" maneuver they teach on to make the run more enjoyable. It didn't work. LOL! Don't laugh but I completed the WOD in 1:21:52.

Right now, I'm winding things down at work. I have 25 days left before I move to Virginia. I guess three plus years @ Fort Campbell is enough. I'm looking forward to the new challenges but I'm not looking forward to the time and space away from my kids. At least, I can drive or fly back to see them, not like when you're deployed. I want my kids and the world to always know I love them (my kids). I don't know "the world" that well yet. :-)

Everyone, especially me, should always keep in mind what my old wrestling coach used to ask, "Are you hurt or injured, kid?" If you didn't know there's a difference. You can continue to fight, workout, whatever if your hurting but an injury just might prevent further effort. Therefore, I know my hands will heal and NOT prevent further CrossFit training! I hope everyone keeps fit and free of injuries as well.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

A Day of Rest

Today, I did nothing but watch my son play soccer, nap, watch TV, and surf the Net. I'm a little sore but nothing to bad. It was overcast most of the day. I didn't mind. I had no intention of going outside after returing home from the soccer match. My kids stayed last night. After the soccer game, Jesse and I returned to my place to find Amber watching TV. I cooked brunch -- fried egg and bacon sandwiches. Hey! If Michael Phelps can eat them for breakfast, so can we. LOL.

My kids rock! My daughter plays soccer too. She's playing for her high school, while my son's playing for his middle school and two local youth leagues.

As you can see, all the soccer wears you out.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

A New Beginning for the East Coast Gemini

What's up world? It's a new beginning for your East Coast Gemini. I'm looking forward to it. I hope you are too. If you haven't tried CrossFit, do so immediately. It will change your life. I wish Rick and Dymphna all the best @ Bill introduced me to CrossFit and Rick and Dymphna provided the motivation and equipment. Thanks!

Today, I completed the WOD in 18:06. What was the WOD? For time: 800 meter run, 21 shoulder presses @ 95lbs; 800 meter run, 21 push presses @ 95lbs; 800 meter run, 21 jerk presses @ 95lbs. I beat James' time and Bill's time, and I say that's not bad for an old man. LOL! I was dreading the WOD because I'm not that great of runner, but I compensated with my shoulder strength.

I'm with you Dymphna, but I count to myself instead of singing "Three Blind Mice". I think I'm a little "off" while I run - LOL.

Well, enough of this crap. Take care all and be healthy and happy!