Thursday, December 11, 2008

Nasty Girls

WOD: For time, three rounds of: 50 Squats, 7 MUs, 135lbs HPCs, 10 reps

I'm still building up to my New Years resolution to do MUs instead of PUs and ring dips. Therefore, I subbed 4/1 pull ups and ring dips for MUs. I also used 135lbs as RX'd for the HPCs. Man, they were a little tough after 28 pull ups and 28 ring dips. Completed the WOD in 38:04.

1 comment:

JR said...

I just checked my last score and it was 24:04. I lost 14 minutes. I'd like to think I'm slower because I'm actually doing kipping pull ups and ring dips. I think the last time I was doing jumpers instead of kippers because I couldn't do hardly any kippers back then and I did regular dips instead of ring dips back then. I know I'm stronger now, at least in my mind. LOL