Thursday, March 19, 2009


For time:

1000 meter row
50 thrusters
30 pull ups

Time: 13:48

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


1/2 CF WOD: For time -

1 Mile Run
100 Pullups
200 Pushups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run

I love "Murph", but I was limited on my time this morning. I now wake at 0400 and get to my place of work/gym about 0530. Yeah, it sucks. So, I did:

1 Mile Run
50 Pullups
100 Pushups
150 Squats
1 Mile Run

Time: 42:09

The last time I did "Murph" was 25 Aug 08 and my time was 1:24. I won't have beaten it. I think the long distance "stuff" is making me slower. LOL

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Swim/Bike Brick

Tri-WOD: Swim 1 miles, followed by a 35 mile bike ride. Race pace.

I swam 72 lengths (1800 yards or 1.02 miles). I ran out of time today to complete the WOD. I know... there's always time for workouts, but I really need to get this research paper going. Later...

Friday, March 13, 2009

Back Squats & Bike Brick - Easy

CF WOD: BS 3-3-3-3-3 (Max: 265)

225-250-275(PR)-280(PR)-295(1) and stopped. My left knee was tweaking, so I stopped. I guess all the running is starting to take a toll. I need to lose some weight!!!!!! But, I'm happy with a new PR though.

Tri-WOD: 45’ bike ride followed by 3 mile run.

I covered 11.25 miles in 45 minutes. I kept the resistance between 6 and 9, interval setting, and the RPMs between 75 and 85. I did a hill every ten minutes the first 20 minutes and then every five minutes the remaining time. However, I didn't run 3 miles. I know... I know... I did a half-mile on an elliptical and then stopped. All the treadmills were taken, it was cold outside, and I just didn't feel like doing it today. Sue me... :-)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Run - Endurance


Endurance Run: 6 mile run (L3)

Time: 1:04:08. I had to stop and jog in place at several traffic lights along the route, which wasted several minutes of time, each stop. I did some squats and high-knees from time to time instead of running in place. Overall the run felt pretty good. I was getting a little stronger towards the end even though I was tired.

Afterward, I got on the C2 at my apartment gym and rowed 1000m.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Brick - Bike/Run


40’ (L2)
10’ (L3)
Include some hill climbs in this workout.

Run 2 miles immediately after biking.

I kept the bike between 6 and 10 resistance and a 75 to 80rpm pace the first 40'. The last 10', I kept the bike on 8 resistance, sometimes 10, and a 90 to 95rpm pace. I did a hill every five minutes. I ran the 2m in 18:40 on the treadmill using between 7:48 and 9:30 minute pace.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Swim - Endurance


200 yards (8 lengths) warm up

Open Water Drill:

Swim heads up
4 X 25 yards (100 yards)

Practice sighting
4 X 25 yards (100 yards)

Continuous swim:

3 X 600 yards (72 lengths/1,800 yards) 45”

Total Distance: 2,200 yards

That felt pretty good, after such a long break. I read a little article this afternoon about form, etc. I kept looking forward instead of straight down like I used to - a lot better. Of course, I couldn't do it continuously, as RX'd. I had to stop every couple lengths, however, my stops are getting shorter and shorter. My right shoulder aches a little now but I'm sure it's fine. Nothing a few beers won't cure. Ha! Ha!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Run - Medium/Long

WOD: Run 7 miles.

Time: 1:08:35

Today, I ran the longest distance I've run in a very long time with my "bestest" friend, Karen. I don't think I would have finished without her motivation. Damn, she can run. Awesome!

Mike - I know I'm off the "program" but I was busy Thursday and Friday and now I'm relaxing a little this weekend with mom in Richmond. I'll get back with the "program" next week. All work, no play makes John a dull boy... :-)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Endurance Bike

Tri-WOD: 25 Mile Bike @ 90RPM and average 12 - 15 miles per hour.

Time: 1 hour, 45 minutes. I averaged about 14MPH and kept the RPMs between 85 and 94. It was pretty rough for the first 15 miles. After that, I became numb and it got a little easier, but not much. My ass is still numb, literally. I guess that's better than hurting. LOL

Monday, March 2, 2009

Endurance Swim & Deadlifts


Warm up - 200 yds

40' non-stop swim


DL 1-1-1-1-1-1-1


I completed 56 lengths this time. I still need to take a short break every couple of lengths when swimming. However, I can tell I'm becoming a stronger swimmer. My breathing is getting better and my lats are stronger. I think I'll be ready in 202 days.